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The Worlds of Pphost

Character Profile Submission


Character Basics

Racial Bonuses {{ racialBonusStr }}
Racial ASIs
Racial Feat

Ability Scores

{{ score }}

In The Worlds of Pphost, you choose one of three ways to generate your ability scores: the Pphost Standard Array, Pphost Point Buy, or via rolling.


Scores: {{ score.value }}
Modifiers: {{ score.mod }}
Total Points = {{ pointBuyTotal }}, Points Remaining = {{ pointBuyTotal - pointBuySpent }}

ASI or Feat

At Level 1 in Pphost, you may either apply an Ability Score Improvement (ASI) or select a Feat. For an ASI, you have two points to apply toward your ability scores. They may both be applied to a single score, or may be applied to separate scores. If you select a Feat, an applicable bonus to an ability score may apply. In either case, you may not increase a score beyond 20 through these mechanisms.

